“Busy as a One-Armed Paper Hanger” may be a phrase out of another era in relation to interior design.  Yet, despite – or perhaps – because of the disruption caused by the pandemic, it’s a condition that seems to be more common than ever.  Something that we’ve observed among our customers at Industrial Wire Rope the past few months: no matter the organization or the responsibilities of a particular employee or associate, it seems that people are just frantically busy, and more so than ever.

As we launched into 2021 at Industrial Wire Rope, we decided to help our customers take some items off their to-do list by adding some product lines to our extensive catalog of wire rope and fiber rope, chains, slings, lifting equipment and safety equipment.  The products we added support project needs with some of the basics of worksite equipment.  Products now available through Industrial Wire Rope include PPE, gloves and safety glasses, tapes, stretch film, strapping/seals/tools for each, sorbents, buckets & lids, and safety fencing & netting.

As we considered adding these items, we did a lot of thinking about “one-stop-shopping” and what it can mean in the B2B world.  In our off-the-job worlds as everyday consumers, we’re probably all familiar with the concept of one-stop shopping and some of its benefits, particularly saving time and greater convenience.

Of course, “one-stop” isn’t only about on-line or in-store shopping for consumer products.  In travel and entertainment, many families opt for Disney or concepts like it, where they can arrange lodging, meals, and entertainment.  Our technology is also often a one-stop experience, where a computer purchase will often provide solutions for monitors, printers, software, headsets, ink and more.

So, what about the B2B market?  What does one-stop shopping look like and what benefits can it offer?

An article posted by Vivid Impact World, spotlighted the benefits of this concept in the B2B world under the banners of efficiency and reliable expertise:

“Saved time and money are the ideal outcomes in choosing a one-stop-shop vendor. Various B2B vendors are realizing that they…can embrace this business model to meet their objectives. Streamlining communications between the business and vendor, housing multi-faceted processes in one location, and having a strong talent pool to assist in each portion of a project lifecycle can provide infinite value…”

Specific benefits of a single source for related products and services are many; just a few include:

  • Better Communication
    Even the best communicators among project managers can face challenges in making sure all vendors involved understand details and timetables the same way.  Coordinating multiple vendors separately stages a possibility of miscommunication or misunderstanding that can affect and delay projects.  With one source handling inter-related materials for a project, the potential for communication gaps declines significantly.
  • Quicker Turnaround
    Similarly, the ideal one-stop-shop produces a much quicker turnaround.  Product shipments can be scheduled and consolidated to reduce “wait time” often experienced when sourcing items from multiple vendors.
  • Better Product Fit
    Working with a single source can help insure all the components needed for a project “fit” well together.  With the right expertise, a single vendor will help your project management team make sure they have all the right products they need for a project.


So, whether you are actually feeling “as busy as a one-armed paper hanger” or simply want the convenience and benefits of sourcing as many of your project needs as possible with Industrial Wire Rope and American Scaffolding, remember that we can help with many worksite supplies.  We’re happy to help take a couple of calls and follow-up tasks off your to do list!